

Downloaded and sync like 40+ songs to my phone just now. Like finally got back my comp aft lending it away. So I'm kinda happy girl now since I can sync songs everyday and funshion all I want! :D

Tmrw is mama's birthday so I'm gna wake up early and help her w her housework! Yayyay I'm such a guai daughter right! HAHAHAHAH, cos I didn't buy her presents and I wna be nice so I'm gna be nice! Ok lame.

Going cineleisure for movie w Merwyn and Chencheng on tuesday so yay! Gna watch breaking dawn agn but it's ok cos they haven't watch and I get to see Edward Cullen on screen agn! :D maybe will watch alrd famous/puss in boots w them too? Not quite sure.

Just finished ironing clothes cos helping out w mama since tmrw's her birthday. I'm nice right!!! Ok randomness and epic lameness. Must have been th Heineken tt's affecting me. ;p will end off the post now so yeah bye!
