

Super nice song by Ayumi Hamasaki, also another ending theme song of Inuyasha! (: Had been watching Inuyasha till 4am recently nowadays? Which totally explains why i'm experiencing much often giddy spells than usual and my panda eyes tt's getting darker and darker. Really envious of those who can stay up all night like everyday w/o having dark eye rings.

Quite a happy day for me cos i slept till going 1:30 today? Somewhere thr but if wasn't for my mum i guess i would have slept till way past 3! But anyway, she's a mean one for saying tt she won't know how am i gna wake up on time whn sch re-opens and for saying tt i'm a pig. @: Keh, nothing wrong w having a strange liking to sleep right? Thought everyone was likett. LOLOL.

Created a blogshop(?) to clear away the accessories that i ordered extra to sell as instocks when i was doing it. Nothing much, but they're cheaper than other blogshops i suppose? Prices are all inclusive of normal postage and they're all brand new! I think it's cheaper than flea LOL. Since one've gotta travel all the way to th place and get 2 connectors for $12? I'm selling 2 connectors for $12 and they includes postage! IMO i think it's cheaper and more worth it lah! Might be selling some well-conditioned preloves so stay tuned ok! Enquiries just mail them to autumnfantasies@hotmail.com and i'll reply them asap! Do support yeah, and anw the link is HERE! (:

Gna meet Shyuen on Wednesday for some shopping spree and maybe going her house on Friday to bake or smth! tt's all for now!

