
That woman

Hello my dear readers! Sorry for the lack of updates cos I've been really lazy recently! I'm turning into a piggggg. ^00^ shall do a quick update using blog press on the kbox session aft the supposedly sports day!

Went kbox w Maine & Shyuen and it was funny cos we all took out our shoes! Hahaha I was walking arnd w my smelly socks hoho. Oh and FYI they took my phone to camwhore and since I'm using phone to update, I don't have the pics on the cam! Hehehe some priceless pictures of the maddies but since I'm nice I'm not gna post up here. :D

Being the bitch I forever am I started to sing Korean and jap songs and I think I pissed shyuen off! Hahaha I'm so annoying like a hell but it was fun even tho they all had to leave early! I wna go kbox w them before 3103 cos the card is gna expire then. :(

Sports day postponed till Thursday and I hope it take place and I really really wish tt I won't get last few places for all my events! Just one medal is enough for individual event. Else it'll be like so embarrassing! Hahaha I'm kinda mad now. ;p

Shall end this short post over here! Will update on Saturday latest so do stay tune ok! Love you guys like tons, ❤

P/s: secret garden is like the best Korean drama! :D