
A post for my lovelies ♥

Contestant No. 1 - Wong Jiawen aka @wongjiawennie
She's tt crazy mad girl up there who looks so damn cute w her braces, ;D
Yes, i love her cos both of us are mad and she's my shit and i'm her ass.
Sucha close r/s we're having yea?
She lives in my rectum and I live under her underwear, gross or what? Heh.
We love each other because of this.
Mad or not, I'll definitely miss her if we're gonna be separated into a different class.
大便,谢谢你陪我度过这一切。我非常非常的爱你这个大便。以后如果我哭的话,记得借我你的肩膀。I love you yo. ♥

Contestant No. 2 - Hwong YieShyuen aka @yieShyueny
That forever girl who always give me overly grown up and matured advices. Heheheh.
Whenever I face some serious shit, her advice are also damn shit serious.
Nice friendly, not too crazy but fun.
VERY sensible too, compared to Wong Jiawen & me. Heheheh, ;)
我也很爱你。我知道你也很爱我,对吗!对啦, 哈哈哈。OK 我亲亲你OK?好啦我再讲废话你不要骂我不然等一下你弄我哭。;p ♥

Contestant No. 3 - Lee YuXian Merwyn aka @hausofomnom
美文啊。为什么你那么可爱!OK我很爱你。因为你的华语/华文很有墨水。多到可以把我淹死了。谢谢你每次在我不开心的时候在 Twitter 哄我开心。我希望即使明年我们回到不同的班级,我们还可以像现在一样,那么要好。我爱你K!来我亲亲一下,heheheh. ♥

k i'm so tired alrd, there's piano lesson for me @ 9.45 tmrw. uh i wanna sleep but nvrmind, btr than staying at home and rot. Goodnight dears, (:
