
I already miss you;

" Everything revolves around this word called "love".
People search for love, either for a life-long partner or just someone special.
We all fall in, and out of love.
So what is LOVE exactly?

Some says it's sweet and romantic.
Some says it's bitter and full of jealousy.
Wikipedia says that it's a strong feeling and affection towards someone.

In Art, LOVE means ♥.
In Maths, LOVE equals to ME + YOU.
In Science, LOVE is a hormones reaction.
In English, LOVE means I love you. "

When i was young, I believed in love, happy endings and fairytales.
Fairytales always ended happily.
The prince and princess will always get tgt, thn the narrator will end with "and they lived happily ever after".

Now when i've grown up or at least matured a little, I realized tt love might not be what we think it is.
It's still sweet, but minus the romance and plus sadness, jealousy, despair etc.
I wonder who was the one who said that love was easy.
Whoever who said tt is a childish fool who believes in "happily ever after" and Cinderella and wtv.
I'm a sadist?
Aw, i'm sorry but i'm not.

Feeling so fking much btr now.
Pretty wordy post, but it makes tons of sense to me so wtv.
Bye yo.
Gna take a shower and off to sleep.
Helping out for learningfest tmrw and i'm yayyayhappy.


What should I do? I keep missing you, I miss being in your arms already. - G.NA