
Fly me to eternity;


Went grocery shopping w Carol, Merwyn, Jovin, FuHuan, Terence and Swe today!
Hell lotta fun? Hmmm, wasn't too bad other than th fact tt I spent alot of money!
Spent over 100bucks on the food.
Wth I don't even spend so much when I go shopping k!
Srsly feel so damn broke now, ):
Thank god the class is gna return me the $$. Heheh.

Looking forward to tmrw's class outing!
There's lotsa food and yayyay happy die me there's FOOD! :D
Omnomlicious. (Y)
Kekekeke, shall continue reading fanfict cos they're just so sweet!
And yes Wong is gna scold me for being gay kekek. (:

I swear i look as tho I've the chubbiest cheek on earth. (Y)
