
Screw the goddamn fever

Awake and feeling disgustingly shag and weak now. Running a slight fever of 37.8 and I'm feeling like shit now. Fml or what? ):

Tt stupid downpour during th aftnoon is totally hateful. Even tho managed to get Kenneth parents to lombang me over to lot, I was still drenched. Blame it on some auntie who decided to shove me away so she won't be drenched and can get up the bus first when she has a freaking umbrella. Don't even know how to say excuse me or what, just likett push me. Cn much lah hor.

So in the end I was shivering like mad on 975 whn otw to bpp. It's HELL. And the ride is not like 5 mins. Is more than tt and I was fucking cold cos I was drenched. Drenched + aircon = bad. (Drenched + aircon) x2 = HELL. Cos from the interchange to bpp, thrs no freaking shelter and fuck the traffic light srsly. IT'S DAMN SLOW. Jaywalked and managed to save my poor ass from the rain for awhile.

Wtv, I should congrats myself on being pathetically sick on Christmas eve? Oh srsly this is crap. But nevertheless, still gna celebrate Christmas w aunt and their kids so yep. Ok I'm gna eat Ben and Jerry's w/o my mum's permission. She's keeping them away frm me cos she said I'm sick oh wtv. ):

Goodnight people and enjoy your Christmas eve yo, xx. 💛