
A thousand years

" I'm a plain idiot who dwells on the past, thinking that I could turn back time and let us be how we used to be. "

Currently using blog press to blog! Bought it via AppStore cos it looks pretty good and I kinda like it cos I can format pictures&photos. (: one thing that I don't like is that the font looks HUGE and they don't let me move my words to the center of the page. Neither will they auto scroll. Feel like wasted $2.99 USD on this shit.

Had a huge quarrel w my mum cos she didn't want me to buy clothes for CNY and that pissed and irritated a hell load. Sometimes I really dk wth are my parents. They love to categorized me under the same category as them. I won't wna be like them. They buy new clothes like once every year buy I don't and I'll nvr be like them. And my mum used tt point tt I buy clothes to shoot me back. LIKE WTF I USE MY OWN MONEY BUY WTH IS WRONG W HER. I feel as tho I'm a abandoned child tt she picked up along the streets or from the rubbish bin cos she's always so fucking bias against my younger sister. Shit max.

I've got no idea how long is this post now so I'm just gna end here. Goodnight and omg I've SS tmrw! ):

" I'm no longer as impt as I was in your eyes anymore. Was I just a replacement for someone else? "