
The year of Dragon, part 2

FUCK YEAH THIS IS LIKE MY FAV PHOTO COS I LOOK CHIO IN THIS! Chey fake k! Note: no photoshop in pics ok, only photo effects from either 美图绣绣 or Vintage cam. Both are iPhone apps. (:

Looking kinda weird here, but nvrmind. Hehe so yep today's another long and boring day and all cos it's CNY and we've gotta go visiting and all, being bombard by questions. Frankly speaking, the only few things I like about CNY is: 1. You've excuse to go shopping 2. You get to collect $$ 3. You get to DRINK. Not orange juice or coke kind, but as in DRINK. 4. You get to gamble. Other than that, CNY is really nothing else.

Wore a black "dress" today w a red belt! Apparently I thought I was short enough I wear it as a dress, but hah I'm not that short. So in the end wore one of my shorts beneath my "dress" so it's like a top whn it's suppose to look like a dress. Lol k wtv confusing right! Nvrmind you don't have to understand. Just know that I got it from Bugis w Chencheng hehe.

Like ytd, I'm using blog press to post so yep a pic per paragraph. Maybe will have a mini photospam. Maybe. Will only do it aft I found my comp so yep! ^^ I think I'll do it w this coming saturday's one cos I'm gg YieShyuen's house to bainian! Hehe so happy yay! ☺

My great grandma and I. She's super cool and strong one, but tts like a few years ago. I think during sec 1? Yea, she's pretty old and all & her health is getting worse. That happens to all old ppl huh. Heard my mama said tt my ggm has slight senile dilemma tts why she thought I was the youngest in family. But she rmbed me aft I told her I'm the "curly hair" one hehe.

Went for some kinda family dinner afterwards. Collected a few angbaos but that's all. (: it's alright for me tho, cos I also not in need of money. Saw my maternal distant cousin and he changed so much. He's 16 this yr but he looks like 18 or smth. Didnt talk to each other like how we would in the past. I guess ppl change whn they grow up? Or maybe he couldn't recognize me anymore cos I'm so fucking ugly. I mean everyone, or rather all my cousins who're arnd the same age as me matures to become tall, slim/fit & pretty/handsome. But fuck look at me. Forever fucking ugly.

One of my cousin.

So yeah I was a lil pissed off cos one of my uncles started saying that I have short arms and all cos short and that srsly annoys me. Even my mum started the crap that the cousin older than me by a month only looks much stronger and he's tall and I'm like a kid size. FUCK ANOT. >:(

Outfit for the day.

Alright, shall end this post here cos I've gotta sleep soon since thrs sch tmrw. Hope I get a hangover or smth cos I really dw to go sch tmrw. Not because of
Cca, but cos thrs Chinese. ): anw, stay tune for more updates yep! Love ya.