
My ideal boyfriend ☺

Since valentines day is just round the corner, i'll do a short update on this? It's one of the challenges thing and yes I know I've been forsaking it which is why im doing this post so I don't neglect too much of it. :)

My ideal boyfriend:
He doesn't have to be extremely good looking. In fact I prefer those who looks more ordinary! Of course he must be taller than me, alot or abit doesn't really matter. He should be tanned and must be fun. Sweet, slightly protective & possessive but at the same time, gives me my personal space and time. He must be able to withstand my moodswing and temper & pampers me like a princess. Last bit not least, he must love me for who I am. ❤

To put it simply, he should be like Edward Cullen + Inuyasha. I sound disgustingly dreamy, but nobody said I couldn't dream! Hehe.

Frankly speaking, if you love someone, how they looks like doesn't really matters. By that time wtv tt matters is just how true the other party is to you, how much you love them and vice versa. To me, appearance doesn't matter alot. But of course if tt guy Is one freak I'll definitely freak out but other than tt, I think personality and attitude towards me is the most impt. (;

Short&wordy post. I'm sorry bout this cos blog press crashed and I'm lazy to on my comp so do bear w this first! Stay tune for updates! ^^
