
Ohaiyo! ;)

Woooo ~ ! Back from trip to Japan so i shall do a short update w pictures! Apparently i'm too lazy to upload them one by one, so i've decided to combine most of the pictures together hehe. Okay so here we go! ;)

19th June 2012 ! 
Woke up at 7am to have quick shower, wash up and changed before eating a light breakfast! Reached Changi airport at arnd 8.15am and checked in before heading for a heavier breakfast! Departed Singapore and landed at KL for transit at around 12! Lunched and transited woooo! 

Hahahaha my so annoying yet adorable sister who decided to use my front cam to camwhore. :x

She's not handicapped though lol. She just sprained her left ankle really badly before the trip cos she fell and idk what happened after that. Yeah, having a wheelchair around when we're on a trip is REALLY troublesome but she walks crazily slow even when she's okay so just well, it has its uses. 

You just gotta admit that she's cute lol. Her KL airport fashion = HyunBin from secret garden hahaha. 

Well, the first day or rather the first night was really sucky. Our flight got delayed when we were on the plane, like seriously? Sighs, due to a typhoon which happened at japan, we weren't able to land on time. The estimated time for us to land was SG time 8:20pm and we stayed up in the air till SG time 12? in the end were trapped in the plane at Osaka airport for like 2hours when we were supposed to land at Haneda airport. So basically the flight was delayed for a god damn 6 hours and by the time we finally landed at Haneda, it was 3am SG time. Excluding the time to queue and get our passport stamped and all. :x

Nevertheless, managed to land safely even though tons of discomfort was felt. Let's move on to the next day which was actually the day we landed lmao. 

20th June 2012 !
Official sightseeing and enjoyment in Japan starts now! I guess we were really really lucky. I hope the pictures below of the wonderful scenery would make you go gaga and praise me and my photography skills hehe. Just joking though. But i'm really glad i came to Japan! Despite the horrible flight i had the day before, the enjoyment and awesomeness is all worth it okay. 


It's really pretty over there! Took these pictures while we were on the cable car up to view the Mt. Fuji! Hehehe, my dearest uncle specially rented a car to drive us there and we managed to see it like alot of times! Managed to capture a few pictures of it too! Woooooo, heheh it's really rare to be able to see Fuji so clearly and we even managed to see it for so many times! 

It' kinda small huh? :c 

What about a bowl of omnomlicious Japan udon for ya? Hehehe, it's really nice and i don't know what else to say other than it being ridiculously yummy. :) 

Had our fill before going for hotsprings! Hehe, i'm sorry that i couldn't snap any photos of it cos photography is forbidden in there. A fact about Japan hot springs: You have to get in the springs completely naked. I'm not joking here if you think i am just simply horny now lol. It's a fact. Nevertheless, enjoyed the springs cos it was really relaxing! The day then ended off with a shopping trip + dinner at sushi bar with lots of raw seafood oh yeaaaaa. ~


21th June 2012 ! 
TOKYO DISNEY SEA & LAND BABY. YES AND PLEASE LYAO AT MY FAILED ATTEMPTS OF JUMPING OKAY. Basically spent my whole day at Disney taking photos with the characters and admiring the Japan male students who are around the same age cos they are all so handsome huhu. Well, definitely handsome compared to those in my school hehaho. Lot more pictures that would soon be on facebook cos i'm too lazy to on my camera! I TOOK PICTURE WITH PLUTO YIPPEE. Pardon me for my randomness but i love pluto hehe. 

Volcano @ DisneySea! 

Ending off the day w a cute picture of my neighbour's boy! ;)

22th June 2012 !
The boy is so cute hehe. Okay, boring day cos all we did was shopping and thus no photos and i've no idea what to talk about for this! Hahahaa, hm ate bento at their station hahahaah. Brand new experience okay, and their bento was really daebak so yummy! Was basically wearing all black & brown that day! ;p 

23rd June 2012 !

Went sightseeing wooooooooo! Hehe, went to a famous shrine and witnessed some traditional Japan wedding ceremony before heading for lunch! Lunch was omnomlicious with raw salmon and awesome bbq fish which tasted heavenly. It's like really yummy! No pictures for the lunch though, ;p 

The wooden tabs that you write your appreciation and wish on, hehe of course i did it too! ;)

Pardon my unsightly hair and my tip-toeing posture cos i'm a freaking midget. I wish i was taller too. 

There you go, my adorable sister that everyone loves. 

can i attempt to make you squeal? ;)

SHINEE. Hohoho, they were at a concert hall near the shrine i went to! Okay i didn't like see them or what but it' better than not seeing anything right hahaha. Well, pictures of their lorry as a souvenir for myself! nah, just joking. Managed to get some SHINee official/unofficial merchandise for my shawol girls! 

Went to one of the famous streets where it's just like our Bugis street, but located in Japan obviously. Saw a lot pretty apparels but i didn't get any cos i spent all my yen. boo hoo hoo. Well nevertheless, went to the Tokyo Tower! 
Is it me, or does Tokyo tower resembles the Eiffel tower? If that's so, please just go to Paris cos it's definitely way prettier there cos there's nothing much @ Tokyo tower. 

Went to the LeiMen [lightning door literally] and SkyTree with my aunt while my neighbour, uncle, sis and mum went to some market street to buy souvenirs! Hahaha, i'm glad i cleared my souvenirs during the second day - trip to disney land. :) 

The big lantern is really HUGE. Anyway, photo taken tgt w my aunt! Hehe she's really nice and pretty and she looks damn young and all. Bun-ed my hair into a high bun so do tell me how it looks okay? I hope it's not too ugly or awkward! 

SkyTree! It was supposedly to be a replacement for the Tokyo tower. It's really pretty! :)

Met up with the rest after that for dinner! Had ramen and it's super nice okay. 
Chefs at work! :)

AWWWW, MY SIS AND THE BOY LOOKS SO CUTE RIGHT. HAHAHA. The man w specs on the second photo is my uncle! He's like asdfghjkl tall. I'm not even up to his shoulders ok. like way below. :x

Even though the serving was pretty big, i managed to finished the whole bowl by myself. Gosh, what a pig i am. Sighs no wonder i'm getting fat. Well, walked back to my uncle&aunt's place after dinner with my aunt! Continued the talk we had when we were on the metro to the LeiMen and SkyTree. Drank plum wine and green tea beer with her and surprisingly i didn't get drunk! Hohoho i think maybe i my limit for alcohol is getting better? :) the plum wine alcohol percentage was like 10? while the green tea one was 4% only. :/

24th&25th June 2012 ! 
REALLY BORING. Spent half the day walking and lazing around, while another half the day at the airport. Checked in at about 9pm tokyo standard time? They're about an hour faster than SG's time so yeah. Couldn't sleep on plane and it's like whatdashit cos our flight back was midnight flight. Skyped with the girls when i was at KL while waiting for transit! Damn, i definitely missed them alot. :') Called the girls at around 9+ when i was on my way back home since we arrived in singapore at about 9am! Washed up and headed to the doc cos i fell sick during the trip. got 2days mc lol. 

Well, that's the end of the trip and my post! Hahaha, it's a really short trip but i enjoyed myself alot. Definitely going over there for a second time but god knows when. Probably when i'm older, i'll go there with the girls and hopefully my boy if i have one lol. Shall end the post here, bye! :)