
Breaking Dawn

Caught BreakingDawn part 1 just now at lot w Yieshyuen and my granny and i swear, THE MOVIE IS JUST SO FUCKING AWESOME. There's no other to describe the movie other thn th word, so i just used it even tho i'm trying to refrain myself frm scolding anything/anyone w it. (:

Edward Cullen, aka Robert Thomas Patinnson who is just so damn hot, sweet, lovely, nice, caring, strong, fast cute and EVERYTHING a girl wishes for. Well, at least tt's the case for me. Srsly love him like mad lah, so damn hot ok! Jacob Black, aka Taylor Lautner is not too bad, but hmmm. I still prefer Robert/Edward. d; I'm team Edward while Yieshyuen is Team Jacob! Awwww, how i wish i had a boyf like him. I cfm happy and blissful until siao one i swear.

Currently waiting for Desperate housewives season 1 to buffer and load finish. Can't seem to watch it anywhere other than youtube which is taking a srsly crappy long time of mine. Shall end now cos i wna eat my chocomint guides cookies! (:
