
Mad day out @ 301211, xx.

" The scars of your love, they leave me breathless"

Whoopee! Hi guys it's 311211 naoooooo. Time is 12:14 so yep it's new year eve yo! So how are you guys gna celebrate the upcoming 2012? Suppose many are gna go for count down cos my friends are like asking me to go count down w them. Super lazy so i'm just gna stay at home and rot & drink at home w my family? Been a long time since i got drunk, and i swear it's gna be epic if tt happens. keh.

Anw, went out w my dears and it was madness. Was suppose to go msia but my mum suddenly had a change of mind aft she woke me up @ 8. wtf, ): But still, manage to spend a day out w Merwyn & Shyuen and had a super belated xmas gift exchange! Took some pics w my phone cos didn't bring out my camera today. 

Met up w Merwyn @ 11, lot before proceeding to Shyuen's house! Then started helping her to PACK HER BOOKS. SHE'S MAD I SWEAR. 200+ BOOKS?! Ok total madness. And we were like singing and packing and i love the weather cos it was super windy! :D Nearly fall down a couple of times cos i was climbing on her shelf/table to help her arrange. I'm clumsy yeah i know that. Went down w Merwyn to watch Tom & Jerry while YieShyuen wrapped her present for merwyn. I was like " Wlao you very slow leh! " And kept distracting merwyn so he won't go up lol.

Finished packing & exchanging gifts w them @ arnd 1:30? Got chocolates & sweets from Merwyn while that crazy woman got me the earpiece thing, necklace, keychain and a Iphone cover! The cover is like super cute. ^^ Got a box of mixed candies for Merwyn & pencil case from wallet shop for Yieshyuen! Wanted to get her a whole set of Iphone 3G/s covers but didn't cos i'm pathetically broke. 

Headed to LRT station to go to lot while we grab our lunch! Bought mac as takeaway and started walking arnd, going to Aries to get combs and all. Chanced upon Annabelle etc & i was feeling like goddamn guilty and all. Was supposed to go for CCA but mum told me we're gg msia so i didn't attend. In the end, she changed her mind. So yep i started hiding inside guardian while waiting for the bus to warren! Hate the sales lady like damn alot, urgh. >:(

Otw to warren we were like talking abt dying of hair, wigs, hair extension & plastic surgery! Feel like dying my hair but my hair is alrd a mixture of brown, gold, bronze, red & black so don't really see a point of doing so. Went bowling & ate our Mac! Had my McChicken meal upsized w Ice-milo, normal fries & cup corn! The cup corn doesn't taste as good as i had expected. ): 

Blur pic but yep yellow bowling ball! :D


The mess we made! Thr's like tons of rubbish arnd but we cleared it anw. 


Went playground after it for some climbing and chit-chatting x a lil singing! Sang chinese songs w merw and it was hilarious cos some kid came in suddenly & we were all hiding in the tunnel hehehe. Yeah my fringe sucks big time, ): Had like a super awesome time at the arcade cos i was playing Time Crisis 2 solo! That's one of my favourite game in arcade aft pump up fiesta. I suck at DDR, the 4 arrows one. But pump up fiesta (5 arrows), i do much btr. Jubeat i also okok lol but thr ain't anything likett thr! 

Shyuen had to go for golf after tt so we went along for awhile and even tried it. I suck big time. Sports tt requires sticks/racquets is a big no-no for me. Squash is alright for me tho, even tho i'm not good at it. HAHAHAH squash = #foreveralone. 

Gna end this post here so yep, happy new year eve! xx.