
Write about my best friends i had/have

Not according to ranks or what, just random order k! If any of you guys see this & your pict is unglam, sry k! ):  

HI I'M DAMN SELF-OBSESS OK. YEAH I LOVE MYSELF AND I'M MY OWN BEST FRIEND. *hugs and kiss myself* LOL, yeahyeah lets continue w the rest of the post! (:

See that punk small guy w specs holding a gigantic guitar? Yeah he's the dude, EdwinTanYonHin! HAHAHAH, he's the closest guy friend i've got ever since pri. sch till now? I can talk to him about anything and tt's like total madness. Still rmb thr's once when we talked till to th middle of the night, and it's like hilarious. Been a long time since we met up so meet up soon ok! Plus your birthday present still here w me yknow, later become Christmas present. d:

Pict taken when we went boonlay to "study". Well i did my homework tt time yeah! Heheheh. HI MY COWSHIT. SORRY I NVR BUY YOUR PRESENT LAH, BUT TT PUPPET COUNTED I GUESS? Heheh, maybe i later do card for you ok! And trust me, my drawing x handwriting sucks so maybe you won't even know what i'm drawing/writing heheh. Anw, thanks for helping me in so many aspects ok! Studies, r/s and friendship crisis. I think i would've been in woodbridge alrd if not for you! Hahaha, yep thks for staying w me even when i'm having major moodswings and everything. Love ya tons and goodluck for ya o's next year! oh and congrats for being th oldest in this post, :D 

I love this pict of his, it's damn hilarious and cute yeah! "Are you trying to tell me that you are very smart?" "Go and suck your own small dick" HAHAHAH IT'S DAMN CUTE X VULGAR LAH K. Anw, yep he's another awesome guy yeah. I LUB AWESOME PEOPLE. K i'm becoming lame and more lame ! Thanks for giving me food when i'm hungry in maths class & bitching w me via twitter at tt time whn i was so annoyed by th pig thigh makeup person but idgaf abt her alrd! Heh, no point in letting someone like her ruin my mood and life all the time. She should just go and shosb. :D LET'S GO KBOX SOMEDAY AND I'M GNA SNATCH THE GIRL BELOW BED WHEN WE GO HER HOUSE ON THE 30TH. HAHAHAH. LOVEYOU OK! 

I tell you first ah, i go your house chop your bed and blanket hor. YES I LOVE THIS MAD GIRL ON TOP. Cos i edited her blog design and made her blog banner/collage wtv you call it & added own designs of my own on it. Oh and her blog's background is RED. HER FAVVIE. Yeah i'm damn proud one right, fking showoff lah me. Heheheh. 我很爱你啦,爱到没办法能够形容!谢谢你在我最需要人陪我的时候陪我,跟我讲很多的道理。Chim 到我听不懂 but 不用紧,我 aga-aga! (: 
I love you alot ok, just tt idk how to say. PLEASE CLOSE THE WINDOWS WHEN IT RAINS. ;p

She's super cute i swear. I still rmb tt we always talked otp when we were P5. It's like standard one, everyday reach sch, shower, eat, homework + call. And it usually last for minimum 3hrs! We'll be like exchanging answers & gossiping and just random chitchat. Life was awesome at tt time. (: Thanks for listening to my rants all the time when i'm like so emo or smth happens between my friends and I. You must cheerup also ok! I think you're one of the very few who heard me cry over the phone, heheh. Yes i love you. Your optimism, cuteness, friendliness and everything, i love them so i love you! 

Erm ok, this is gna get awkward. Couple of fights and all and now this. Idk when we're gna talk agn. Maybe not anytime in th near future, maybe nvr. Who knows? Still, thanks for being thr w me, be it up or downs. If you're happy and blissful w him, thn i just hope tt you guys last long. If anything happens or smth, my phone is 24/7 on. But i doubt tt anything will happen since you guys are so happy tgt? Yep so tt's all i guess. /: