
Wish you were here

" All those sleepless night, just for you. "

Just gna do a short update before starting on my homework. Chemistry & Maths + my music theory and tuition ones, damn what a long day it's gna be for me. Have been sleeping arnd 12 - 1 recently unless i've insomnia or something. I guess it's because i'm tiring myself out during the day so i can manage to sleep at night. It works. And it takes your mind off things too. HAHA ok i sound like some freaking sadist. 

Walked in the rain ytd w Shyuen so that we can get our banmian. My fringe would usually be up during classes and sometimes i'll be too lazy to take them down so HI I'M FRINGELESS. Ok anw, ate w Merwyn ChenCheng & Shyuen. Headed to playground aft tt cos it's been a long time since i've played swing. Officially pissed of w CC cos of what happened. >:(

"And I remember all those crazy things you said, you left them running through my head."

I still prefer the way you pushed me when we went to the playground and you pushed me. I miss us. What happened between us anw? :(

Alright shall start w my homework now, bye! 
